Tuesday, August 20, 2024

New Data Show that E-Cigarettes are Saving Lives and Debunk Claims by Opponents that Vaping is a Gateway to Smoking

The claim by opponents of e-cigarettes that vaping is a gateway to smoking and will increase the long-term hazards of tobacco product use have now been completely debunked by longitudinal trend data demonstrating that the truth is the exact opposite.

The results of a Gallup poll conducted last month revealed that adult smoking prevalence has reached an all-time low (11%) and that the decline in smoking has been driven largely by a dramatic drop in smoking among young adults. The prevalence of smoking among adults ages 18-29 was only 6%.

The Rest of the Story

What caused this dramatic decline in smoking among adults, and especially young adults? The data suggest that use of electronic cigarettes is the primary reason for the dramatic declines in smoking observed over the past few years. The amount of decline in smoking prevalence is very similar to the increase in e-cigarette use. Among adults, approximately 7% reported vaping in the past week. Among young adults, approximately 18% reported vaping in the past week.

These data confirm the results of numerous other studies which have demonstrated that cigarettes and e-cigarettes are economic substitutes. This means that e-cigarettes have served as a much lower risk alternative option for youth who most likely otherwise would have smoked cigarettes. And because of this substitution effect, it is very difficult to find a young adult today who is smoking tobacco cigarettes. Another way of putting this is that we have almost completely eradicated tobacco use among young adults. And of course, this means that as these young people age, we are on a path to eradicate cigarette smoking entirely.

The public health benefits that will accrue from these long-term trends will be mind-boggling. While not supported by most tobacco control organizations and agencies, the advent of electronic cigarettes will -- if trends are allowed to continue -- one day be looked at as the end game strategy that made smoking history. 

Sadly, many of the tobacco control groups and health organizations that have opposed vaping from the beginning and made many false claims about both the gateway effect and the health effects of e-cigarettes will not be able to take credit for the millions of lives that will be saved because of this innovation. If anything, they have done everything they can to prevent this life-saving intervention from taking place.

And ironically, it was the regulation of vaping products that almost brought the whole project to an end. What saved the day was the loophole in the regulation that allowed disposable e-cigarettes to remain on the market.

It will be very interesting to hear what the major tobacco control groups say now that there is very clear evidence that vaping was responsible for decimating smoking among today's generation of young adults. Since it is rare for people to start smoking as adults, the prevalence of smoking among this cohort of young people will almost certainly not rise above 6%. This is undoubtedly the greatest public health victory of my lifetime.

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