Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Bias in Anti-Tobacco Movement is Laid Bare: If You Don't Quit the Way We Want You to Quit, Then Don't Bother

After last week's publication of a new study which found that smokers switching to very low-nicotine cigarettes did not compensate by smoking more, anti-tobacco groups jumped on the bandwagon, telling the public that these products helped smokers cut down and quit and should therefore be an integral part of a national smoking cessation strategy.

For example, as I revealed on Monday, three anti-tobacco groups - the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, the American Legacy Foundation, and the Center for Tobacco Control Research & Education - have embraced low-nicotine cigarettes as an effective smoking cessation tool.

At the same time, each of these groups (as well as most anti-tobacco groups) has rejected electronic cigarettes as a legitimate smoking cessation strategy.

But let's look at the actual evidence regarding the effect of switching to either low-nicotine cigarettes or electronic cigarettes among smokers who have no desire to quit smoking. The Donny et al. study, published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine, provides data on changes in cigarette consumption among smokers with no desire to quit who were assigned to smoke very low-nicotine cigarettes. Similarly, an earlier study by Caponnetto et al. provides data on changes in cigarette consumption among smokers with no desire to quit who were assigned to use electronic cigarettes.

In the low-nicotine cigarette study, smokers provided with low-nicotine cigarettes failed to reduce their cigarette consumption significantly over a six-week period, and their quit rate was not significantly different than the control group of usual brand smokers.

In the electronic cigarette study, 13% of smokers assigned to a high nicotine e-cigarette quit smoking at one year, and an additional 10% of smokers reduced their cigarette consumption by more than 50%. 

These results are not exactly comparable because the low-nicotine cigarette study only followed subjects for six weeks. At six weeks, 9% of the electronic cigarette users had quit smoking, and an additional 24% had reduced their cigarette consumption by at least 50%.

The Rest of the Story 

Despite the findings that low-nicotine cigarettes failed to result in a significant increase in quitting or in any reduction in cigarette consumption, while the electronic cigarettes resulted in a substantial proportion of smokers who quit or greatly reduced their cigarette consumption, anti-tobacco groups have concluded that low-nicotine cigarettes help smokers quit and cut down, while electronic cigarettes do not. The conclusion of the anti-tobacco groups is exactly the opposite of what the data show.

This reveals a huge bias in the anti-tobacco movement. But it is a strange bias because it actually favors deadly tobacco cigarettes over much safer electronic ones. Why is it that anti-tobacco groups are completely misrepresenting the scientific evidence, lying to the public, and embracing a strategy in which combustible tobacco products remain the mainstay of nicotine use instead of one in which combustible tobacco products could become obsolete?

I believe the explanation is that "we" thought of the idea of nicotine reduction, but not the idea of electronic cigarettes. Thus, we don't really want to see e-cigarettes work, while we'd love to see low-nicotine cigarettes work. The end goal, you see, is not to save lives by getting smokers to quit. Instead, the end goal is to be able to claim victory by getting smokers to quit in the way we want them to quit. And if such a strategy results in far few smokers quitting, it doesn't matter. The movement is now concerned more with money and prestige than with reducing morbidity and mortality. (See my earlier commentary for a more detailed synthesis of this point.)

As I wrote earlier: "I firmly believe that if the idea of an electronic cigarette was conceived by individuals, researchers, or groups within the tobacco control movement, our reaction to these products would be completely different. It would not represent a threat to our status and prestige because we could claim credit for the "victory," for the accomplishment, for the transformation of the tobacco industry, for the unprecedented magnitude of the saving of lives."

But e-cigarettes are not our baby. Instead, we're casting our lot with a strategy for which there is no evidence. But it doesn't matter because it's our strategy. And it doesn't matter if the strategy is not as effective as e-cigarettes because it's not the saving of lives that matters most. It's retaining our ideology and our prestige.

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