Thursday, January 30, 2025

American Medical Association Claims that E-Cigarettes Can Cause Several Types of Cancer

The American Medical Association (AMA) yesterday claimed that electronic cigarettes cause not just one type of cancer, but multiple types. 

Here is their statement: "Overwhelming evidence demonstrates that multiple types of cancer are linked to tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, and that the longer someone uses these products the greater their health risks become."

I'm at a loss for the multiple types of cancer that are caused by electronic cigarettes. I'm thinking that the AMA may be referring to lung cancer but multiple means more than one, so what is the other cancer type to which they are referring? 

The Rest of the Story

First, to set the record straight, there is no credible evidence that electronic cigarettes cause any type of cancer, much less multiple types. Not a single study has shown that absent tobacco use, e-cigarettes increase cancer risk of any kind. The levels of carcinogenic biomarkers in people who use e-cigarettes are much lower than among people who smoke and are even lower than that seen among users of snus and smokeless tobacco. In fact, they are similar to levels observed among people who use NRT gum. I'm not aware that the AMA is warning about the cancer risk of NRT gum. So there is not strong plausibility to the idea that e-cigarettes significantly increase cancer risk.

Second, there are no epidemiological studies that have clearly demonstrated a link between electronic cigarette use and increased risk for cancer. 

Even if we just provide a gimme and allow the AMA to claim that e-cigarettes cause lung cancer without challenge, where is their evidence that e-cigarettes cause at least one other type of cancer?

The rest of the story is that the evidence for banning flavored e-cigarettes from the market is so weak that organizations have to lie and deceive the public in order to support these bans.

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